Saturday, April 26, 2014

Vietnamese custard apple (or soursop) smoothie

Oh hi, and Happy New Year!
It has been a while…. This blog has remained silent for the large part of the year after my Europe trip in October. I have been struggling to finish off the cookbook, start a new job while still try to retain my sanity.
But I feel the most daunting part of the cookbook is done when Chi Anh and I can wrap up the recipe testing and photo production just right before 2012 ended. I wouldn’t lie, it was daunting to test, bake and shoot cakes weekly on top of the normal full-time job. It was a fruitful but at times frustrating process in which I have learned a lot.
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Matcha Bubble Tea

Melbourne weather is strange! Just last week, the warmer sunny weather gave me so much hope for spring. And then, it got cold and windy all over again. I feel a bit betrayed (!) actually.
Despite the weather, we got some progress in organizing our gardens. The front garden was almost there! I planted a lot of roses before the end of July, and hopefully they will grow and blossom this summer. While I am patiently waiting for that moment, the camellia tree is blooming with the most beautiful flowers I have seen. So. Pretty!
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Pure melon sorbet & book signing in Singapore!

Oh, hello! Remember me?
I cannot believe that it has been nearly six months since I last posted an entry. Time flies! There are so many things to update: my trip to Hanoi & Hoi An, my cookbook with Chi Anh finally releasing *soon*, and also the upcoming trip to Singapore/Hanoi to release not one, but two cookbooks! I will update the on this blog soon!But it has been confirmed that we will be hosting a baking class in Tott Singapore in April! Come and join us if you are around! Check the details here.
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The perfect plum clafoutis

To call something “perfect” is a big statement, but this clafoutis is so good, I urge you to make it when plums are in seasons. It is my to-go recipe when plums are in season. A perfect dessert if you crave for something sweet, fruity and comforting at the same time. I sometimes find clafoutis a bit heavy, but this one or my gluten-free mango clafoutis produce the lightest and creamiest clafoutis, somewhere between custard and flan.
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